Welcome to the Online Gallery of Kevin Lahey Photography

Mt. Shasta
Lenticular Clouds

Historical Collection

About the Photographer

Kevin’s journey into photography began at an early age in the 1970s. His passion was always to capture what he saw in the unspoiled wilderness areas he visited. He first met Ansel Adams at a gallery showing in Michigan, in 1974. He came away with a poster and a dream to be a photographer.
Another photographer who was a huge influence on him was Edward S. Curtis, who spent his life roaming the Western U.S. documenting every Indian tribe who still had their ancestral lands and customs intact.
Though Curtis and Adams were both amazing artists, Kevin sought to carve out a path of his own. When he came to Mt. Shasta and began to shoot in the area on and around the mountain, a new connection was brewing. Having his camera with him at all times became the only way to travel, as the moods of the mountain were ever changing, and he found the great shots were endless.
From the early days scrambling to the summit with his old Nikon “F” until now, the attraction is still there and as strong as it ever was. Now, after nearly 50 years and a few galleries of his own, Kevin works from his home studio creating beautiful framed images for clients old and new.
When he’s not out chasing a train or following some lenticular clouds around the mountain, he’s in the studio working on the images that still stir his soul.